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A maioria das redes CPA estão a enganar-nos?

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Um artigo interessante no Shoemoney para quem ainda tem dúvidas de que isto acontece:


Emanuel Santos 
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Dr_Ngo January 16, 2013 at 7:17 pm

I’ve generated millions the past few years with networks & going direct.

There are some benefits of networks

- They front the risk. A LOT of advertisers are shady. If they don’t pay, most of the time the affiliate networks will take the hit and get you paid.

- Cashflow. Most of the time the direct advertisers pay once a month. Affiliate networks pay once a week in general. Not only does that help cashflow to keep campaigns going, but it lowers your risk.

- A lot of advertisers don’t go direct with affiliates. It’s easier for them to work with one or two networks, than manage a bunch of affiliates. Working with a network allows them to focus on the sales funnels. If you’re generating $100 a day in rev, you’re not even on their radar.

Going direct isn’t the holy grail. It’s situational and there are times when going with a network is better.


Jonathan Volk January 17, 2013 at 12:37 pm

I was gonna post a comment but don’t have to now. +1 to what Dr_Ngo said.

It’s funny to me that people think taking less of a cut = getting raped. You have to pay for a service and it’s not all bad. I wouldn’t have been able to become a multi-million dollar affiliate without the affiliate network sending me 6 figure per week wires (while they were getting paid net 30).

It was either that or get my extra 20% but not be able to grow as aggressively.

Finally, I have also lost $xx,xxx by going direct and the companies either disappear off the map or go bankrupt. An affiliate network is (most likely) going to pay you regardless because the first time they don’t pay you, it can cause a huge backlash to the entire base of affiliates.


The Angry Russian January 17, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Another +1 for Dr Ngo

This article is reckless and just link bait. There is no need to scare affiliates into doing things that frankly they can’t support with their tiny budgets and lack of business knowledge.

I know my network has tons of enterprise affiliates who I who go direct, yet they still chose to run certain offers with us because you can test quickly, we offer weekly payouts, and the general support we pride ourselves on.


john January 17, 2013 at 7:31 pm

what do you guys expect from the shoemoney blog? his entire purpose to to rape newbs into buying his shitty products (shoemoney system!!) and feed them into the frank kern mike filsamie boilerroom sales paths.

i have zero respect for shoemoney and his overhyped ego and ill-gotten reputation. Im sure they will delete this comment



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Muito interessante...........

Esse post é uma tanga, uma rede não são redes! Nos EUA há mais de 300 redes.. é natural que algumas sejam scam.
Depois nem é a questão do shaving, acho que tem mais a haver com o tracking que por vezes não contabiliza, devido a inúmeros factores. São questões técnicas.

Este post é só para gerar buzz e como já disseram para link bait.
Basta ler os comentários do post que foram publicados pelo Tom Strong que é exactamente o que se passa.

Esse post do Taewoo Kim é mesmo para atrair followers..


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Lol, mas vocês entenderam a ideia que o gajo está a transmitir?

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e acham que os próprios anunciantes também não ficam com leads que não nos pagam?

isso é só mais um factor do jogo! temos é de ver se é rentável ou não... ha redes que pagam 2$ por lead mas "roubam" 50% delas, outras que só pagam 1$ mas roubam apenas "10%"...

Emanuel Santos 
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Era bom que houvesse mais redes em Portugal. Assim dava para comparar os mesmos anunciantes em plataformas diferentes.

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E era bom que houvesse mais gente a "abrir a pestana".