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PHP 4.4.8 Released

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PHP 4.4.8 Released

The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 4.4.8. It continues to improve the security and the stability of the 4.4 branch and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to it as soon as possible. This release wraps up all the outstanding patches for the PHP 4.4 series, and is therefore the last normal PHP 4.4 release. If necessary, releases to address security issues could be made until 2008-08-08.

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 4.4.8:

    * Improved fix for MOPB-02-2007.
    * Fixed an integer overflow inside chunk_split(). Identified by Gerhard Wagner.
    * Fixed integer overlow in str[c]spn().
    * Fixed regression in glob when open_basedir is on introduced by #41655 fix.
    * Fixed money_format() not to accept multiple %i or %n tokens.
    * Addded "max_input_nesting_level" php.ini option to limit nesting level of input variables. Fix for MOPB-03-2007.
    * Fixed INFILE LOCAL option handling with MySQL - now not allowed when open_basedir or safe_mode is active.
    * Fixed session.save_path and error_log values to be checked against open_basedir and safe_mode (CVE-2007-3378).

For a full list of changes in PHP 4.4.8, see the ChangeLog.

Fonte: php

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Desta não estava a espera..

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PHP 4.4.9 released!

The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 4.4.9. It continues to improve the security and the stability of the 4.4 branch and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to it as soon as possible. This release wraps up all the outstanding patches for the PHP 4.4 series, and is therefore the last PHP 4.4 release.

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 4.4.9:

    * Updated PCRE to version 7.7.
    * Fixed overflow in memnstr().
    * Fixed crash in imageloadfont when an invalid font is given.
    * Fixed open_basedir handling issue in the curl extension.
    * Fixed mbstring.func_overload set in .htaccess becomes global.

For a full list of changes in PHP 4.4.9, see the ChangeLog.
Mais uma actualização, como eles já tinham avisado na 4.4.8

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Nice.. Time to test! lol

Gracias pelo aviso Anjo2


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Nice.. Time to test! lol

Gracias pelo aviso Anjo2

De nada :) Este deverá ser o último para o php4, vamos lá ver como vai ser o 5.3 :)

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Não percebo o porque desta actualização até porque o php4 já deixou de ter suporte a muito certo? E o 6 já esta em desenvolvimento..

Mensagens 2485 Gostos 0
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Não percebo o porque desta actualização até porque o php4 já deixou de ter suporte a muito certo? E o 6 já esta em desenvolvimento..
Mas ainda há quem o use, e penso que esta mudança será implementada no PHP 5.3 que está em desenvolvimento. Mas de facto, é importante para quem o usa, mas a maior parte já não usa PHP4.

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Bem podemos dizer adeus agora ao PHP4, é a ultima actualização do ramo...