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Storm Worm - Uma Botnet mais poderosa que 1 Super Computador

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Esta noticia chamou a minha atenção:


The Storm worm botnet has grown so massive and far-reaching that it easily overpowers the world's top supercomputers.

That's the latest word from security researchers who are tracking the burgeoning network of Microsoft Windows machines that have been compromised by the virulent Storm worm, which has pounded the Internet non-stop for the past three months.

Despite the wide ranging estimates as to the size of the botnet, researchers tend to agree that it's one of the largest zombie grids they've ever seen -- one capable of doing great damage.

"In terms of power, the botnet utterly blows the supercomputers away," said Matt Sergeant, chief anti-spam technologist with MessageLabs, in an interview. "If you add up all 500 of the top supercomputers, it blows them all away with just 2 million of its machines. It's very frightening that criminals have access to that much computing power, but there's not much we can do about it."

"If you calculate pure theoretical throughput, then I'm sure the botnet has more capacity than IBM's BlueGene. If you sat them down to play chess, the botnet would win."

"It's a lot of computing power that could be focused to do a lot of damage," he added. "It's grid computing gone bad."

"That's pretty scary," he said. "Cumulatively, Storm is sending billions of messages a day. It could be double digits in the billions, easily."

Swidler said that since mid-July, Postini researchers have recorded 1.2 billion e-mails that have been spit out by the botnet. A record was set on Aug. 22 when 57 million virus-infected messages -- 99 percent of them from the Storm worm -- were tracked crossing the Internet.

Link para a Noticia: http://www.itnews.com.au/News/60752,storm...uters.aspx

Se por algum motivo uma empresa ou website se torna o alvo desta Botnet não hà nada a fazer senão esperar que a "Storm" passe!!!

E esta é uma (a mais poderosa) entre muitas Botnets que afectam a normal operação de servidores e websites na Internet!

Dá que pensar...


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No ultimo sabado fui atacado num dos meus servidores por algo do genero, tive 2 horas off com o server, o worm estava infiltrado em servidores da rede e espalhava para os outros gerando pings altissimos deixando o servidor quase sem resposta e praticamente ko

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Já tinha conhecimento desta noticia, mas já que falaram... à cerca de uma semana num dos meus sites bastante recente e ainda com poucas visitas, passei de 5 ou 6 utilizadores online para oitenta, num espaço de segundos e permaneceram por cerca de 20 minutos. Será que tem alguma relação ?

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Não pois isto deixa o servidor praticamente bloqueado

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Não pois isto deixa o servidor praticamente bloqueado

Práticamente não.. A única opção é um null route ao IP e mudar o IP da máquina. Estes ataques chegam a durar mais de 24 horas.
