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Recebi um email (proposta de negocio) no minimo, estranha...

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De vez em quando recebo propostas de negócio / parcerias. A que recebi há poucos minutos é, no mínimo, estranha!! :)

O interessado quer pagar para aceder às contas FTP dos clientes de alojamento... É preciso ter lata, não? Não sei qual será o objectivo, talvez carregar algumas páginas para posteriormente utilizá-las como links de destino em SPAM ou até mesmo carregar algumas páginas para fazer spoofing a bancos e outras entidades...

Assusta pensar que alguns provedores de alojamento possam cair na tanga dos milhares de euros que prometem e ponham em risco os sites dos clientes!  :shock:

Deixo aqui a cópia do email que recebi:

Pre apologize for the use of bad language. We have for you the business proposal. We are interested in purchasing large quantities access to the existing base of your ftp accounts or root access to the servers with domains. The more we mean thousands of up to a million domains of your servers. Also, we can consider other options for cooperation. Our goal is to acquire access to the domains, which are available to your customers. For its part, we guarantee that not doing any harm to sites and servers your clients. For accessible to a large number of ftp accounts or servers from your base, we are ready to pay tens of thousands of American dollars. The price can always agree, are negotiable. If you need money and you have accessible domains to your customers, please contact us, we are open for cooperation.

You can contact us by email  assertm@gmail.com or ICQ # : 213-326-841 It is best to communicate to the English.
http://www.google.com/translate_t    translator

Best regards

Mensagens 19733 Gostos 50
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