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Depois do grande sucesso dos minisites!! lol hoje vou oferecer o Webmaster Power Pack tools!! quem quiser u know the drill msn me! Este pack contem!

Script Jungle: 10 great scripts, with full resale rights. Includes 2 Auction scripts, an Affiliate Program script, the Awesome Template Engine for PHP, a PHP Web Ring script, a PHP Link Exchange script, an FTP Program script, a PHP Authentication script (lock down areas of your website) and 2 PHP Top List scripts. Complete with sales website (if you can't be bothered to build your own!)

Auto Hits Machine: Many, MANY ways to drive traffic to your website. All you need to know about Website Rotators, Traffic Engines, Hit Boosters.. and much more. You'll need to spend some time setting up all the systems, but then you're on auto-pilot! Comes with full resale rights, a sales web page and some great bonuses.

Amazing Web Tools: 13 powerful tools including: Instant Site Maker, Instant Affiliate Link Masker, Instant Email Scramble, Pop-up Generator, Javascript Magic, Instant Bookmark, Affiliate Defender - and more -- plus built-in Bonuses! Full resale rights are included.

Instant Cover Graphics: We all know that Cover Graphics (images that look like "real" books or software boxes) increase sales fantastically. But some resale packages come with really poor cover graphics. Even if they're good, you need to create your own to stand apart from your competitors. Here's the solution. Instant Cover Graphics comes complete with over 100 'blank' covers. Just insert your own text and graphics, and you have your own unique cover. Comes with full resale rights.

A Complete Guide to Building Your Own Website: This is one of those incredibly useful eBooks that you will keep referring to time and again. It covers almost everything you need to know - from basic layout to graphics, from music to meta tags. It has pages on the main website editors, and links to other useful websites. It's been around a while so some of the latest technologies aren't covered. But it's still a great reference book. You get full resale rights.

Webmaster Tools v3: In one handy interface you get over 30 powerful ways to enhance your website with JavaScript. You get tools such as Auto Popup and Popunder, Page Transition, Link Cloaker, Banner Rotator, HTML -> Javascript, Shadow Headline Maker, Script Tester .. and many more. You don't need to be a technical whizz to use any of them! There are no resale rights with this package, but you can give it away for free.

Instant Notification: Want to know exactly when one of your competitors changes their price? Want to know when any web page changes out of the billions on the Web? Instant notification is a powerful information and marketing tool. Set it up to check as many web pages as you want, as frequently as you want, and it will sit quietly until one of your selected pages changes. Then it notifies you. Instantly! Full resale rights are included.

E pronto não digam que eu numca vos dei nada!!!

Mensagens 2962 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 2500 Posts

isso ja estava aqui deste lado :)

Mensagens 736 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

Citação de: "karrico"
isso ja estava aqui deste lado :)

Pronto tems algum request em especial para a oferta de amanha :P

Mensagens 15318 Gostos 7
Troféus totais: 38
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Linux User Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5

Estás muito generoso!

Mensagens 2962 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 2500 Posts

Citação de: "miguelcardoso"
Citação de: "karrico"
isso ja estava aqui deste lado :)

Pronto tems algum request em especial para a oferta de amanha :P

lol... a estas horas é dificil :P

Mensagens 2962 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 2500 Posts

é so para dizer que ja estou a receber a minha oferta

Mensagens 15318 Gostos 7
Troféus totais: 38
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Linux User Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5

o homem cumpriu!  :lol:

Mensagens 736 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

eu sou assim :)

Mensagens 3439 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 32
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Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

Citação de: "karrico"
é so para dizer que ja estou a receber a minha oferta

Cuidado que pode ser um virus !  :twisted:

Mensagens 736 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

xii adivinhou! agora tiraste a graça a isto pá!

Mensagens 3439 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 32
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

Sou bruxo ! :roll:

Mensagens 2962 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 2500 Posts

por acaso não tem :P

Mensagens 2221 Gostos 1
Troféus totais: 31
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

boas tb já te adicionei ao msn fico a espera :) cumprimentos ;)