Foi lançado hoje a versão 2.0.12 do phpBB. Essa versão corrige inúmeras vulnerabilidades.
Ressaltamos a importância de atualizarem seus fóruns o mais rápido possível, para que corrijam todas as vulnerabilidades já conhecidas.
Mudanças na versão 2.0.12
Added confirm table to admin_db_utilities.php
Prevented full path display on critical messages
Fixed full path disclosure in username handling caused by a PHP 4.3.10 bug - AnthraX101
Added exclude list to unsetting globals (if register_globals is on) - SpoofedExistence
Fixed arbitrary file disclosure vulnerability in avatar handling functions - AnthraX101
Fixed arbitrary file unlink vulnerability in avatar handling functions - AnthraX101
Removed version number from powered by line
Merged database update files to update_to_latest.php file
Fixed path disclosure bug in search.php caused by a PHP 4.3.10 bug (related to AnthraX101's discovery)
Fixed path disclosure bug in viewtopic.php caused by a PHP 4.3.10 bug - matrix_killer