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arrow trader script

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Estou com alguma dificuldade em criar a toplist, segui a toplist guide
(http://www.arrowscripts.com/atl3/g-toplist/index.shtml) mas no entanto não consigo fazer com que apareça os sites =S

Como podem ver: http://milflessonsmovies.com
(no final da pagina aparece o codigo e nao os sites)
Se alguem me poder dar uma ajudinha  :D

Mensagens 15318 Gostos 7
Troféus totais: 38
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Linux User Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5

Verificaste isto:

The toplist file isn't generated

There are several possible causes for this.

1) You don't have any trades in the database.
>>> Add some trades

2) None of your trades are enabled for the toplist.
>>> go to the main overview, load the Edit screen for a trade and make sure it's enabled for the toplist

3) AT was unable to read the source / template file or write to the target / output file.
>>> First verify that this is the problem. In the menu click on Logs --> Toplist logs or Logs --> Cron logs. If there is a problem with the files, it should be reported here. Most common is a permission error for the output file, caused by limited permission settings for the directy the target file is to be written to.
An easy work around is to create a subdir in your http root, say /at/, chmod this dir to 777, and adjust the path to the target file in AT, so the target file is written to the /at/ subdir.


Mensagens 723 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

ya ja tinha visto, não tinha ligado ao 3º passo, tive a criar uma pasta at e passei para lá a toplist e fiz chmod 777 aos ficheiros e não deu na mesma =S
tipo o target file que escolhi foi toplist.html, aquilo criou o ficheiro no caminho que escolhi, só que o ficheiro tem 0kb, supostamente deveria ter gravado a toplist lá :O
Se eu editar o ficheiro e colocar lá o codigo que está no 4º passo do site(http://www.arrowscripts.com/atl3/g-toplist/index.shtml) aparece aqueles links esquezitos no site... =S

Mensagens 15318 Gostos 7
Troféus totais: 38
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Linux User Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5

O caminhos (paths) estão todos correctos?

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Troféus totais: 28
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Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

sim estão, tomei o cuidado de ter atenção nisso.
Acho que desisto da toplist S=

Mensagens 15318 Gostos 7
Troféus totais: 38
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Linux User Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5

Não vejo qual possa ser o problema...

Mensagens 723 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

obrigado na mesma fpware,  :)

Mensagens 15318 Gostos 7
Troféus totais: 38
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Linux User Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5

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