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Google Webmaster Quiz

Lida 2150 vezes


Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
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Troféus totais: 42
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes


    * The quiz will be available to take from today until Tuesday, January 26 at 5PM PST.
    * It doesn't cover all facets of webmaster problems that arise, and—as with any test—it is at best only a fun way to test your webmaster prowess ;). We leave discussion of specific cases to the forum.
    * We've set up the quiz using our very own Google Docs. This means you won't see results right away, but we plan to write a follow-up blog post explaining answers and listing top scorers. Be sure to save or print out your completed quiz before submitting! This way you can check your answers against the correct ones when we publish them.
    * It's just for fun!


Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
Feedback +2

Troféus totais: 42
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes

Já fiz, achei bastante interessante, e até mais técnico do que eu estava à espera.

Mensagens 1809 Gostos 26
Feedback +3

Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 1000 Posts

Eu tb. Pensei que davam uma classificação no final :(

Ironia: Tive de ir ao google tirar umas dúvidas. :D

Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
Feedback +2

Troféus totais: 42
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes

Eu tb. Pensei que davam uma classificação no final :(

Ironia: Tive de ir ao google tirar umas dúvidas. :D

Pelo visto vão revelar os melhores no forum do google.

Não fui procurar, assim não tinha piada... :) Embora tivesse algumas dúvidas, mais propriamente na parte server-side e umas tags manhosas que nem sabia que existiam.

Mensagens 1309 Gostos 12
Feedback +53

Troféus totais: 29
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Mobile User Windows User Level 5 Apple User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter

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