Tradução [Smf buy]

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Na mesma ideia que este tópico:

Toda a ajuda é bem vinda!

Código: [Seleccione]
$txt['smfbuy_currency'] = 'Moeda';
$txt['smfbuy'] = 'Compra e Venda';
$txt['new_smfbuy'] = 'Novo Produto';
$txt['smfbuy_error'] = 'Desculpe, não tem permissões para usar esta função';
$txt['smfbuy_add_item'] = 'Adicionar artigo';
$txt['smfbuy_type'] = 'Tipo';
$txt['smfbuy_auction'] = 'Leilão';
$txt['smfbuy_buynow'] = 'BIN (BuyItNow - Comprar já)';
$txt['smfbuy_bestoffer'] = 'À melhor oferta';
$txt['smfbuy_price'] = 'Starting price';
$txt['smfbuy_reserve'] = 'Reserve price';
$txt['smfbuy_reserve2'] = 'Reserve price not met';
$txt['smfbuy_time'] = 'Time';
$txt['smfbuy_time2'] = 'Deadline';
$txt['smfbuy_days'] =' day\'s ';
$txt['smfbuy_shipping'] = 'Shipping';
$txt['smfbuy_imagelink'] = 'Image link';
$txt['smfbuy_bid'] = 'Amount';
$txt['smfbuy_bidform'] = 'Place Bid';
$txt['smfbuy_bidform_confirm'] = 'Are you really sure you make this offer?';
$txt['smfbuy_actualprice'] = 'At this time';
$txt['smfbuy_memberbestoffer'] = 'Highest Bidder';
$txt['smfbuy_description'] = 'Description';
$txt['smfbuy_seller'] = 'About the seller';
$txt['smfbuy_membername'] = 'Seller';
$txt['smfbuy_sendpm'] = 'Send a message to the seller';
$txt['smfbuy_posfeed'] = 'Positive feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_neufeed'] = 'Neutral feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_negfeed'] = 'Negative feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_posfeed2'] = 'Positive';
$txt['smfbuy_neufeed2'] = 'Neutral';
$txt['smfbuy_negfeed2'] = 'Negative';
$txt['smfbuy_totfeed'] = 'Total Feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_percfeed'] = 'Percent Positive';
$txt['smfbuy_itemclose'] = 'Listing expired';
$txt['smfbuy_buynowform'] = 'BuyItNow';
$txt['smfbuy_nextoffer'] = 'At least';
$txt['smfbuy_feed_to_seller'] = 'Give feedback on the seller';
$txt['smfbuy_feed_to_buyer'] = 'Give feedback on the buyer';
$txt['smfbuy_sendfeed'] = 'Send feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_nofeed_to_buyer'] = 'Buyer has not yet left feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_okfeed_to_buyer'] = 'Buyer has left feedback ';
$txt['smfbuy_nofeed_to_seller'] = 'The seller has left feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_okfeed_to_seller'] = 'The seller has not yet left feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_title_topic'] = 'Text to be included in the title';
$txt['smfbuy_closeitem'] = 'Close Listing';
$txt['smfbuy_settings'] =' Options';
$txt['smfbuy_admin_description'] = 'On this page, you can set some of the features of SMFbuy. We also ask you to set permissions users and board, to enable SMFbuy.';
$txt['smfbuy_no_subact'] = 'Unable to determine the action to take';
$txt['smfbuy_history'] = 'History';
$txt['smfbuy_prev'] = 'Prev';
$txt['smfbuy_next'] = 'Next';
$txt['smfbuy_username'] = 'User';
$txt['smfbuy_date'] = 'Date';
$txt['smfbuy_returntopic'] = 'Return to topic';
$txt['smfbuy_comment'] = 'Comments';
//SMFbuy - manage
$txt['permissiongroup_smfbuy'] = 'SMFbuy';
$txt['permissionname_post_smfbuy'] = 'Post New SMFbuy item';
$txt['permissionname_smfbuy_offer'] = 'Allow to make offer';
$txt['smfbuy_save'] = 'Save';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_auction'] = 'Enable auctions';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_buynow'] = 'Enable BuyItNow';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_buynow_best'] = 'Enable BuyNow or BestOffer';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_sendpm'] = 'Enable send PM';
$txt['smfbuy_maxdays'] = 'Maximum number of days for listing';
$txt['smfbuy_maxprice'] = 'Max. amount';
$txt['smfbuy_maxprice2'] = '(Max. 99999.99)';
$txt['smfbuy_maxshipping'] = 'Max shipping';
$txt['smfbuy_maxshipping2'] = '(Max. 999.99)';
$txt['smfbuy_disable_remove_topic'] = 'Do not delete the topic with listings smfbuy';
$txt['smfbuy_upgrade'] = 'Convert database to SMFbuyPRO';
$txt['smfbuy_decimal'] = 'Decimal multiples of';
$txt['smfbuy_nodecimal'] = 'No decimal';
$txt['smfbuy_image'] = 'Item\'s image';
$txt['smfbuy_noimage'] = 'No item\'s image';
$txt['smfbuy_body'] = 'Expired your listing. Please check this link: ';
$txt['smfbuy_body2'] = 'You won a listing. Please check this link: ';
$txt['smfbuy_body3'] = 'Someone has place a bid higher than of yours. Please check this link: ';
$txt['smfbuy_from_pm_name'] = 'Staff';
$txt['smfbuy_showlisting'] = 'Ver Produtos';
$txt['smfbuy_showfeed'] = 'Ver Feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_min_no_pm'] = 'Disable sending PM when someone place a bid higher of its own in recent';
$txt['smfbuy_min_no_pm2'] = 'min';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_history'] = 'Enable history';
$txt['smfbuy_show_button'] = 'Show the SMFbuy button';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_smfshop_integration'] = 'Enable SMFShop integration';
$txt['smfbuy_price_for_listings'] = 'Price for post new listings';
//SMFbuy - error
$txt['smfbuy_biderror'] = 'Sorry, you must insert an amount bigger of current offer.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror2'] = 'Sorry, you can not bid on your own item.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror3'] = 'Sorry, this listing as expired.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror4'] = 'Sorry, you can not make a bid that is greater than or equal to the BuyItNow price. ';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror5'] = 'Sorry, you can not place a bid lower starting price. ';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror6'] = 'Sorry, you must insert a correct price';

Mensagens 4125 Gostos 3
Feedback +2

Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Apple User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

Código: [Seleccione]
$txt['smfbuy_currency'] = 'Moeda';
$txt['smfbuy'] = 'Compra e Venda';
$txt['new_smfbuy'] = 'Novo Produto';
$txt['smfbuy_error'] = 'Desculpe, não tem permissões para usar esta função';
$txt['smfbuy_add_item'] = 'Adicionar artigo';
$txt['smfbuy_type'] = 'Tipo';
$txt['smfbuy_auction'] = 'Leilão';
$txt['smfbuy_buynow'] = 'BIN (BuyItNow - Comprar já)';
$txt['smfbuy_bestoffer'] = 'À melhor oferta';
$txt['smfbuy_price'] = 'Preço Inicial';
$txt['smfbuy_reserve'] = 'Reserve price';
$txt['smfbuy_reserve2'] = 'Reserve price not met';
$txt['smfbuy_time'] = 'Tempo';
$txt['smfbuy_time2'] = 'Deadline';
$txt['smfbuy_days'] =' day\'s ';
$txt['smfbuy_shipping'] = 'Shipping';
$txt['smfbuy_imagelink'] = 'URL Imagem';
$txt['smfbuy_bid'] = 'Quantidade';
$txt['smfbuy_bidform'] = 'Place Bid';
$txt['smfbuy_bidform_confirm'] = 'Tem a certeza que pretende fazer esta oferta?';
$txt['smfbuy_actualprice'] = 'No momento';
$txt['smfbuy_memberbestoffer'] = 'Highest Bidder';
$txt['smfbuy_description'] = 'Descrição';
$txt['smfbuy_seller'] = 'Sobre o vendedor';
$txt['smfbuy_membername'] = 'Vendedor';
$txt['smfbuy_sendpm'] = 'Enviar uma mensagem ao vendedor';
$txt['smfbuy_posfeed'] = 'Feedback positivo';
$txt['smfbuy_neufeed'] = 'Feedback neutro';
$txt['smfbuy_negfeed'] = 'Feedback negativo';
$txt['smfbuy_posfeed2'] = 'Positivo';
$txt['smfbuy_neufeed2'] = 'Neutro';
$txt['smfbuy_negfeed2'] = 'Negativo';
$txt['smfbuy_totfeed'] = 'Feedback Total';
$txt['smfbuy_percfeed'] = 'Percentagem positiva';
$txt['smfbuy_itemclose'] = 'Listing expired';
$txt['smfbuy_buynowform'] = 'Comprar agora!;
$txt['smfbuy_nextoffer'] = 'Pelo menos';
$txt['smfbuy_feed_to_seller'] = 'Give feedback on the seller';
$txt['smfbuy_feed_to_buyer'] = 'Give feedback on the buyer';
$txt['smfbuy_sendfeed'] = 'Enviar Feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_nofeed_to_buyer'] = 'Buyer has not yet left feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_okfeed_to_buyer'] = 'Buyer has left feedback ';
$txt['smfbuy_nofeed_to_seller'] = 'The seller has left feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_okfeed_to_seller'] = 'The seller has not yet left feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_title_topic'] = 'Text to be included in the title';
$txt['smfbuy_closeitem'] = 'Close Listing';
$txt['smfbuy_settings'] =' Opções';
$txt['smfbuy_admin_description'] = 'Nesta página pode definir algumas funções do SMFbuy. Também lhe pedimos para para tratar das permissões dos usuários e dos quadros para isto funcionar.';
$txt['smfbuy_no_subact'] = 'Unable to determine the action to take';
$txt['smfbuy_history'] = 'Histórico';
$txt['smfbuy_prev'] = 'Anterior';
$txt['smfbuy_next'] = 'Próximo';
$txt['smfbuy_username'] = 'Utilizador';
$txt['smfbuy_date'] = 'Data';
$txt['smfbuy_returntopic'] = 'Voltar para o tópico';
$txt['smfbuy_comment'] = 'Comentários';
//SMFbuy - manage
$txt['permissiongroup_smfbuy'] = 'SMFbuy';
$txt['permissionname_post_smfbuy'] = 'Colocar novo item';
$txt['permissionname_smfbuy_offer'] = 'Permitir ofertas';
$txt['smfbuy_save'] = 'Guardar';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_auction'] = 'Enable auctions';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_buynow'] = 'Activar ComprarNaHora';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_buynow_best'] = 'Activar ComprarNaHora ou MelhorOferta';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_sendpm'] = 'Activar o envio de mensagens pessoais';
$txt['smfbuy_maxdays'] = 'Máximo de dias para estar activo';
$txt['smfbuy_maxprice'] = 'Preço máximo';
$txt['smfbuy_maxprice2'] = '(Max. 99999.99)';
$txt['smfbuy_maxshipping'] = 'Max shipping';
$txt['smfbuy_maxshipping2'] = '(Max. 999.99)';
$txt['smfbuy_disable_remove_topic'] = 'Do not delete the topic with listings smfbuy';
$txt['smfbuy_upgrade'] = 'Convert database to SMFbuyPRO';
$txt['smfbuy_decimal'] = 'Decimal multiples of';
$txt['smfbuy_nodecimal'] = 'No decimal';
$txt['smfbuy_image'] = 'Item\'s image';
$txt['smfbuy_noimage'] = 'No item\'s image';
$txt['smfbuy_body'] = 'Expired your listing. Please check this link: ';
$txt['smfbuy_body2'] = 'You won a listing. Please check this link: ';
$txt['smfbuy_body3'] = 'Someone has place a bid higher than of yours. Please check this link: ';
$txt['smfbuy_from_pm_name'] = 'Staff';
$txt['smfbuy_showlisting'] = 'Ver Produtos';
$txt['smfbuy_showfeed'] = 'Ver Feedback';
$txt['smfbuy_min_no_pm'] = 'Disable sending PM when someone place a bid higher of its own in recent';
$txt['smfbuy_min_no_pm2'] = 'min';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_history'] = 'Enable history';
$txt['smfbuy_show_button'] = 'Show the SMFbuy button';
$txt['smfbuy_enable_smfshop_integration'] = 'Enable SMFShop integration';
$txt['smfbuy_price_for_listings'] = 'Price for post new listings';
//SMFbuy - error
$txt['smfbuy_biderror'] = 'Sorry, you must insert an amount bigger of current offer.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror2'] = 'Sorry, you can not bid on your own item.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror3'] = 'Sorry, this listing as expired.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror4'] = 'Sorry, you can not make a bid that is greater than or equal to the BuyItNow price. ';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror5'] = 'Sorry, you can not place a bid lower starting price. ';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror6'] = 'Sorry, you must insert a correct price';

Traduzi algumas coisas mas não acabei porque, sinceramente, não me apetece.

Pelo menos ajudei ;)

Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
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Troféus totais: 42
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes

Se todos traduzirei uma linha, já é uma ajuda!

Mensagens 1012 Gostos 1
Feedback +9

Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Apple User Mobile User Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

Código: [Seleccione]
//SMFbuy - error
$txt['smfbuy_biderror'] = 'Desculpe, tem de inserir um valor superior à última oferta.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror2'] = 'Desculpe, não pode licitar os seus produtos.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror3'] = 'Desculpe, este produto já expirou.';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror4'] = 'Desculpe, não pode fazer uma oferta igual ou superior ao BIN (BuyItNow - Comprar já). ';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror5'] = 'Desculpe, não pode colocar uma oferta inferior ao preço inicial. ';
$txt['smfbuy_biderror6'] = 'Desculpe, tem de inserir um valor correcto';

Uma pequena contribuição, não sei é se ainda faz falta. :superlol: :+trafego:

Mensagens 408 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 27
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

podem colocar aqui um novo codigo so para ver o ponto de situação sff :P

Mensagens 4125 Gostos 3
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Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Apple User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

podem colocar aqui um novo codigo so para ver o ponto de situação sff :P

Isto já não é preciso. Foi para a nova versão (Corrigir-me caso esteja errado)

Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
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Troféus totais: 42
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes
