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MMOexp: Employ zooming in and out features to navigate

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Utilize the search function to locate passive bonuses related to specific damage
types or defenses, streamlining your search for Path of exile currency desired nodes.

Employ zooming in and out features to navigate the expansive tree more effectively,
allowing you to concentrate on your current area while maintaining an understanding
of your overall strategy.

Exercise caution when considering "dangerous" keystones such as Chaos Innoculation,
Blood Magic, and Lethe Shade, as they can drastically alter your character's
mechanics and effectiveness if not properly planned for. Only opt for these with
clear reasoning or guidance from a reliable build.

The tree is divided into regions based on attributes, delineating damage and defense
types—red for strength/melee/armor, green for dexterity/ranged/evasion, and blue for
intelligence/spells/energy shield—providing a simplified overview of your
character's development.

While it's possible to reallocate points later using Orbs of Regret, these come at a
cost of in-game currency. Following a build guide can help minimize wasted points,
reducing the need for POE buy currency respecs.