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Ver ataques em tempo real

Lida 2091 vezes


Carlos Gandra 
Mensagens 3081 Gostos 97
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Troféus totais: 34
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4

É giro (entenda-se):

Mensagens 51 Gostos 6
Troféus totais: 12
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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 2 Level 1 50 Posts 10 Posts First Post Third year Anniversary

Podes-me explicar como isto funciona e se baseia?


Carlos Gandra 
Mensagens 3081 Gostos 97
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Troféus totais: 34
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4

Esta é a explicação deles:

Every second, Norse collects and analyzes live threat intelligence from darknets in hundreds of locations in over 40 countries. The attacks shown are based on a small subset of live flows against the Norse honeypot infrastructure, representing actual worldwide cyber attacks by bad actors. At a glance, one can see which countries are aggressors or targets at the moment, using which type of attacks (services-ports).

Hovering over the ATTACK ORIGINS, ATTACK TARGETS, or ATTACK TYPES will highlight just the attacks emanating from that country or over that service-port respectively. Hovering over any bubble on the map, will highlight only the attacks from that location and type.

Norse exposes its threat intelligence via high-performance, machine-readable APIs in a variety of forms. Norse also provides products and solutions that assist organizations in protecting and mitigating cyber attacks.

Mensagens 1895 Gostos 605
Feedback +4

Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Tenth year Anniversary Nineth year Anniversary Eighth year Anniversary Seventh year Anniversary Search Level 5 Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter

Eu para ser sincero parece-me muito fantasioso, mas o ritmo de ataques mostrado é apenas uma infima parte daquilo que acontece na realidade.