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WHMCS v3.4.1 já disponivel

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Mensagens 1657 Gostos 4
Troféus totais: 31
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Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

Cá está mais uma vez uma nova versão do WHMCompleteSolution, o melhor software no mercado para gestão de contas.

A v3.4.1 já foi lançada e já se encontra disponivel na nossa área de downloads para clientes. (ver mais abaixo as novidades)

O WHMCS versão de aluguer mensal tem um custo mês de 8,95 Euros mês!!!! na PT Web Services

Agora já não tem nenhuma razão para não ter um sistema profissional para apoiar os seus clientes, pois não?

Se necessita de ajuda para instalar ou fazer upgrade, temos dois serviços disponiveis:

Upgrade da versão 3.4.0 para 3.4.1: 10 Euros
Upgrade da versão anterior à 3.4.0 para 3.4.1: 15 Euros

Qualquer questão é só abrir ticket na nossa área de clientes: http://www.ptwebserv.net/suporte

Cumprimentos e bons negócios,

Carlos Santos
PT Web Services - http://www.ptwebserv.com
Gestão de Clientes


Aqui ficam as novidades da v3.4.1:

** Version 3.4.1 **

Fixed bug with Helm button not appearing as a button
 - modules/servers/helm/helm.php

Fixed bug with date selections on addons popup
 - admin/clientsaddons.php

Fixed bug with PayPal Subscriptions & Tax when using Exclusive Tax
 - modules/gateways/paypal.php

Fixed bug with LinkPoint charge attempts by cron
 - modules/gateways/linkpoint.php

Fixed bug with 12Register always stuck in test mode
 - modules/registrars/onetworegister/onetworegister.php

Updated Spanish language file with new translations for V3.4
 - lang/Spanish.txt

Updated Helm 3 module to support reseller account creations also
 - modules/servers/helm/helm.php

Modified order form to accept promocode variable in a direct order link URL aswell
 - order.php

Implemented Affiliates Payout Delay Feature to specify a period to wait before paying an affiliate commission and then only pay if the account is still active on that date
 - includes/functions.php
 - admin/configgeneral.php
 - admin.cron.php

Surpessed Domain Renewal Notices for Free Domains
 - admin/cron.php

Added support for configurable options to have "name|friendly name" format
 - includes/configoptionsfunctions.php
 - includes/customfieldfunctions.php
 - includes/orderfunctions.php
 - includes/functions.php
 - admin/clientshosting.php

Added search by Credit Card Number to Clients Search Options
 - admin/javascript/searchbox.js
 - includes/adminfunctions.php
 - admin/search.php
 - admin/clients.php

Fixed bug with cPanel reseller account creation limits not getting set
 - modules/servers/cpanel/cpanel.php

Added InterWorx Server Module
 - modules/servers/interworx/interworx.php

Fixed bug with auto recalculate on save with recurring options - always using monthly price
 - admin/clientshosting.php
 - includes/confgoptionfunctions.php

Updated template files to show custom invoice numbers when present
 - templates/portal/clientareahome.tpl
 - templates/portal/clientareainvoices.tpl

Fixed bug with PayPal Subscriptions Prorata Dates
 - modules/gateways/paypal.php

Created InterWorx Server Module
 - modules/servers/interworx/interworx.php

Update to 12Register Module by 12Register Developers
 - modules/registrars/onetworegister/onetworegister.php

Fixed bug with new registration confirmation email being sent for a domain transfer when manually submitted
 - admin/clientsdomainreg.php

Fixed bug with addon invoices showing () when the associated product has no domain
 - includes/processinvoices.php

Added automatic redirect to gateway option to order checkout options
 - admin/configgeneral.php
 - order.php
 - templates/default/forwardpage.tpl
 - templates/portal/forwardpage.tpl

Updated the PayPal module to only allow a user to signup to a subscription if it is on or before the due date of the invoice
 - modules/gateways/paypal.php

Updated Portuguese BR translation
 - lang/Portuguese-br.txt

Fixed bug in Helm 3 module
 - modules/servers/helm/helm.php

Added deletion of associated invoice when deleting an order
 - admin/orders.php

Added extra statuses of Cancelled & Fraud for products, addons & domains
 - admin/clientshosting.php
 - admin/clientsdomains.php
 - admin/clientsaddons.php
 - admin/clientshostinglist.php
 - admin/clientsdomainlist.php
 - admin/clientsaddonslist.php
 - includes/processinvoices.php
 - clientarea.php

Fixed display error with Affiliate Payment Reports on the 1st of each month
 - includes/functions.php

Fixed bug in ResellOne module when attempting domain registration manually from the Orders Page
 - modules/registrars/resellone/resellone.php

Added bounce back email when registered clients only for support tickets is enabled and an email is received from an unrecognised address
 - includes/ticketfunctions.php

Modified cancellation requests to only show uncompleted requests by default and then a seperate page for completed requests
 - admin/cancelrequests.php

Fixed bug with existing custom field values not being saved if entry is invalid on the order form
 - order.php

Fixed bug with free domains always defaulting to 1 year instead of minimum registration length
 - includes/orderfunctions.php

Updated PayPal Subscriptions module to only show checkout button if first period is under 90 days which is the limit for a subscription trial period
 - modules/gateways/paypal.php

Added furthur error checking to DirectI module
 - modules/registrars/directi/directi.php

Fixed continous invoice generation bug causing duplicate invoices to be created for clients due on the 1st of a month
 - includes/processinvoices.php
 - includes/invoicefunctions.php

Mensagens 486 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Já saiu a versão 3.4

Mensagens 1657 Gostos 4
Troféus totais: 31
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

Actualizado para a Versão 3.4.1