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Are there any car washes that specialize in cleaning electric vehicles?

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Yes, there are car washes that specialize in cleaning electric vehicles (EVs) due to their unique cleaning needs. When looking for a car wash that specializes in cleaning EVs, it's important to research the car washes in your area and look for those that advertise EV cleaning services. You can check incarwash.com or social media pages to see if they mention EV cleaning or if they have any specific cleaning packages for EVs. It's also a good idea to read reviews from other EV owners to see if they had a positive experience with the car wash's EV cleaning services. When you've found a car wash that specializes in EV cleaning, make sure to ask them about their cleaning methods and products to ensure that they use techniques and products that won't harm your EV's electrical components. By finding a car wash that specializes in cleaning EVs, you can ensure that your vehicle is properly cleaned and maintained while protecting its delicate electrical components.