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Alguem me consegue ajudar neste erro:

Código: [Seleccione]
Database error with function: Get Images
SQL: SELECT i.*, u.username, u.email, g.gallery_name, CONCAT('http://test.com/images/',u.username,'/', i.name, '.', type) AS image_url, CONCAT('http://imagedux.com/thumbs/',u.username,'/', i.name, '.jpg') AS thumb_url FROM images i LEFT OUTER JOIN galleries g ON i.gallery_id=g.gallery_id, users u WHERE i.user_id=u.user_id AND i.user_id=1 ORDER BY i.uploaded desc LIMIT -10,10
mySQL Says: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-10,10' at line 1

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Isto está no fórum errado. Movido para Webdesign, Programação e Desenvolvimento.

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My bad... :wink:

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Em relação ao erro, acho que é mesmo a SQL que não consegue limitar com os dados -10,10..nunca vi tal coisa :?

Bruno Mota 
Mensagens 1733 Gostos 3
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isso é numa galeria de imagens nao é?

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É um script de hospedagem de imagens...

Quando tem imagens ele apresenta-as; Quando não tem imagens supostamente devia dizer "Não tem imagens" em vez disso da esse erro.

Logo que se faz upload de 1 imagem o erro desaparece  :roll:

Bruno Mota 
Mensagens 1733 Gostos 3
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nao percebo isso

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Este erro ainda tem a lata de fazer com que os ads do google não apareçam  :lol:

Bem talvez o morpheus possa perceber.

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a olho, tenta trocar o
"ORDER BY i.uploaded desc LIMIT -10,10"
"ORDER BY -i.uploaded LIMIT 0,10"
e diz alguma coisa ;)

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Bem isso é um source que gera devido ao erro...

O source original da pagina onde ocorre o erro não tem esses valores:

Código: [Seleccione]
script&#58; images.php
purpose&#58; list the user's uploaded images with thumbnails, urls to the images, and the option to delete images.


// include general site config / initialization stuff


// include and initialize an instance of the images utility class

$images =& new images&#40;$ace&#41;;
$message '';

// include the site header


if&#40; $banned &#41;&#123;
$pagecontent->display&#40;'IP Banned'&#41;;
&#125;elseif&#40; !$loggedin &#41;&#123;

// the user must be logged in to access this page.
// if not logged in, tell them so, display the login form and exit.

$pagecontent->display&#40;'Images - Not Logged In'&#41;;

// check if a gallery has been selected...

$gallery 0;
$g $ace->getint&#40;'g', $_REQUEST, -1&#41;;
if&#40; !isset&#40;$user->galleries[$g&#93;&#41; &#41;&#123;
if&#40; $g > 0 &#41; $g = 0;
$gallery $user->galleries[$g&#93;;

// display the intro text for the managing your images page


// initialize variables used to determine which images to list / order to list them in, which page of images to display, etc.

$orderby $ace->getstr&#40;'o', $_REQUEST, 'date'&#41;;
$orderdir $ace->getstr&#40;'od', $_REQUEST, 'desc'&#41;;

if&#40; !in_array&#40;$orderby, array&#40;'name', 'uploaded'&#41; &#41; &#41; $orderby = 'uploaded';
if&#40; !in_array&#40;$orderdir, array&#40;'asc', 'desc'&#41; &#41; &#41; $orderdir = 'desc';

$ids = array&#40;&#41;;
$msg '';
$emails = array&#40;&#41;;
for&#40; $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++&#41; $emails[$i&#93; = '';

$modified false;

#40; $ace->getstr&#40;'delete', $_POST&#41; != '' &#41;&#123;

// user wants to delete some of their images

$ids = isset&#40;$_POST['ids'&#93;&#41; ? $_POST['ids'&#93; &#58; array&#40;&#41;;
$deleted $images->deleteimages&#40;$ids, $userid&#41;;
if&#40; $deleted &#41;&#123;
$message $deleted.' image&#40;s&#41; deleted.';
$user->images -= $deleted;
$modified true;
if&#40; $user->images < 0 &#41; $user->images = 0;
&#125;elseif&#40; $ace->getstr&#40;'send', $_POST&#41; != '' &#41;&#123;

// user wants to email links to their images to their friends..

$ids = isset&#40;$_POST['ids'&#93;&#41; ? $_POST['ids'&#93; &#58; array&#40;&#41;;
$imgs $images->getimages&#40;array&#40;'ids'=>$ids, 'user_id'=>$userid&#41;&#41;;
if&#40; count&#40;$imgs&#41; &#41;&#123;
$emails = array&#40;&#41;;
$sentto = array&#40;&#41;;
for&#40; $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++&#41;&#123;
// $emails[&#93; = $i;
if&#40; isset&#40;$_POST['to'&#93;[$i&#93;&#41; &#41;&#123;
$email trim&#40;get_magic_quotes_gpc&#40;&#41; == 1 ? stripslashes&#40;$_POST['to'&#93;[$i&#93;&#41; &#58; $_POST['to'&#93;[$i&#93;&#41;;
$emails[$i&#93; = $email;
if&#40; $email != '' &#41;&#123;
if&#40; $ace->validateemail&#40;$email&#41; &#41;&#123;
$sentto[&#93; = $email;
$images->errors[&#93; = 'The address "'.htmlspecialchars&#40;$email&#41;.'" is not a valid email address.';
if&#40; count&#40;$sentto&#41; > 0 &#41;&#123;
$msg $ace->getstr&#40;'message', $_POST&#41;;
if&#40; strlen&#40;$msg&#41; > 255 &#41;&#123;
$images->errors[&#93; = 'Your message can only contain a maximum of 255 characters. It currently contains '.strlen&#40;$msg&#41;.'. Please reduce your message length.';
&#125;elseif&#40; strlen&#40;$msg&#41; == 0 &#41;&#123;
$images->errors[&#93; = 'You must enter a message to send.';
$headers "From&#58; &#123;$user->email&#125;\r\nReply-To&#58; &#123;$user->email&#125;\r\nErrors-To&#58; &#123;$config->admin_email&#125;\r\nReturn-Path&#58; &#123;$config->admin_email&#125;";
$tpl $config->email_images_template;
$imagelinks = array&#40;&#41;;
foreach&#40; $imgs as $i &#41;&#123;
$imagelinks[&#93; = $i->image_url;
$s = array&#40;'&#123;sitename&#125;', '&#123;siteurl&#125;','&#123;message&#125;', '&#123;imagelinks&#125;'&#41;;
$r = array&#40;$config->sitename, $config->siteurl, $msg,join&#40;"\n\n", $imagelinks&#41;&#41;;
$tpl str_replace&#40;$s, $r, $tpl&#41;;
foreach&#40;$sentto as $email &#41;&#123;
@mail&#40;$email, $config->email_images_subject, $tpl, $headers&#41;;
$msg '';
for&#40; $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++&#41; $emails[$i&#93; = '';
$message 'An email containing your message and links to your images has been sent to '.join&#40;" and ", $sentto&#41;.'.';
$images->errors[&#93; = 'You must enter an email address to send the images to.';
$images->errors[&#93; = 'You need to check the checkboxes next to the images you want to send.';
if&#40; count&#40;$images->errors&#41; > 0 &#41; $images->errors[&#93; = '<br />Please correct these errors and resubmit the <a href="#email">email form</a>.';
&#125;elseif&#40; $ace->getstr&#40;'addtogallery', $_POST&#41; != '' &#41;&#123;
$ids = isset&#40;$_POST['ids'&#93;&#41; ? $_POST['ids'&#93; &#58; array&#40;&#41;;
$added $images->addtogallery&#40;$ids, $ace->getint&#40;'gallery_id', $_POST&#41;&#41;;
if&#40; count&#40;$images->errors&#41; > 0 &#41;&#123;
$message "$added image&#40;s&#41; have had their gallery changed.";

if&#40; $modified &#41; $user = $users->getuser&#40;array&#40;'id'=>$user->user_id&#41;&#41;;

$criteria = array&#40;'user_id'=>$userid&#41;;
if&#40; $gallery != 0 &#41;&#123;
$criteria['galleryid'&#93; = $gallery->gallery_id;
$criteria['count'&#93; = true;
$user->images $images->getimages&#40;$criteria&#41;;
$criteria['count'&#93; = false;
$page $ace->getint&#40;'p', $_REQUEST, 1&#41;;
if&#40; $page < 1 &#41; $page = 1;
$perpage $user->images_per_page;
$totalpages ceil&#40;$user->images / $perpage&#41;;
if&#40; $page > $totalpages &#41; $page = $totalpages;
$first = &#40;$page -1 &#41; * $perpage;
$last min&#40;$first+$perpage,$user->images&#41;;
$imgs $images->getimages&#40;$criteria, $orderby, $orderdir, $first, $perpage&#41;;

$purl $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'&#93;.'?o='.$orderby.'&od='.$orderdir.'&p=&#123;page&#125;&g='.$g;

if&#40; $message != '' &#41;&#123;

<div class="message"><?php echo $message;?></div>

// any error messages? display them

if&#40; count&#40;$images->errors&#41; > 0 &#41;&#123;

<div class="errors">Please correct the following errors:<br /><br />
<?php echo join&#40;"<br />\n", $images->errors&#41;;?></div>

if&#40; count&#40;$imgs&#41; > 0 &#41;&#123;


<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'&#93;;?>" method="post">
<div class="imagelist">

// if the user has uploaded more images than their account allows &#40;only possible if they previously
// had a paid account which expired, or the admin has reduced the number of images allowed&#41;, then display a message

if&#40; $user->images > $user->max_images && $user->max_images > 0 &#41;&#123;

<div class="errors">You are currently exceeding the uploaded image allowance for your account.
<br />Your <?php echo htmlspecialchars&#40;$user->type_name&#41;;?> account allows you to have
<?php echo $user->max_images;?> images at a time.
<br />Please delete at least <?php echo &#40;$user->images-$user->max_images&#41;;?> of your images or
<a href="upgrade.php">upgrade your account</a>.

// now list all their images, x to a page, with options to order by name or date uploaded.
// images are displayed with a thumbnail &#40;click for full size&#41;, and urls to use to link to the image.


<table class="imagetable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
<td class="imagetitle" colspan="3" style="text-align: center;">
Images in order of
<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'&#93;;?>?o=name&od=asc&g=<?php echo $g;?>">Name (a-z)</a>
| <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'&#93;;?>?o=uploaded&od=desc&g=<?php echo $g;?>">Newest first</a>
#40; count&#40;$user->galleries&#41; > 0 &#41;&#123;

<br />
$ng 0;
foreach&#40; $user->galleries as $id=>$gal &#41;&#123;
// if&#40;  $ng < count&#40;$user->galleries&#41;&#41; echo ', ';
<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'&#93;;?>?g=<?php echo $id;?>"><?php echo $gal->gallery_name;?></a><?php
echo ', ';
<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'&#93;;?>">All Images</a><?php

<td class="imagetitle">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.writeln('<input type="checkbox" onClick="check(this.form, this.checked);" />');
<td class="imagetitle" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
Images <?php echo $first+1;?> to <?php echo $last;?> of <?php echo $user->images;?><?php if&#40; $gallery &#41; echo ' in gallery "'.$gallery->gallery_name.'"';?>.
Page <?php echo $page;?>
of <?php echo $totalpages;?>
<br />
#40; $page > 1 &#41;&#123;

<div style="float: left;">
<a style="text-decoration: none;"  href="<?php echo str_replace&#40;'&#123;page&#125;', &#40;$page-1&#41;, $purl&#41;;?>">&lt; Previous</a>
if&#40; $page < $totalpages &#41;&#123;

<div style="float: right;">
<a style="text-decoration: none;" href="<?php echo str_replace&#40;'&#123;page&#125;',&#40;$page+1&#41;, $purl&#41;;?>">Next &gt;</a>

#40; $imgs as $i &#41;&#123;

<tr class="tr<?php echo &#40;$tr+1&#41;;?>">
<td class="tdcheck"><input type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php echo $i->image_id;?>" <?php if&#40; in_array&#40;$i->image_id, $ids&#41; &#41; echo ' CHECKED ';?>/></td>
<td class="tdthumb">
<a onClick="return si('<?php echo $i->image_url;?>', <?php echo $i->width;?>, <?php echo $i->height;?>);"  target="_blank" href="<?php echo $i->image_url;?>"><img border="0" class="thumb" src="<?php echo $i->thumb_url;?>" alt="" /></a>
<br />
<?php echo $i->width.'x'.$i->height;?> @
<?php echo number_format&#40;$i->filesize/1024,1&#41;.' Kb';?>
<br />
<?php if&#40; $user->resize_images || $user->rename_images &#41;&#123; ?>
<div class="infolabel" style="text-align: center;">
<?php if&#40; $user->rename_images &#41;&#123; ?>
[<a href="rename.php?i=<?php echo $i->image_id;?>">Rename</a>]
<?php &#125; ?>
<?php if&#40; $user->resize_images &#41;&#123; ?>
[<a href="resize.php?i=<?php echo $i->image_id;?>">Resize</a>]
<?php &#125; ?>
<?php &#125; ?>
<td class="tdinfo">
<b><a onClick="return si('<?php echo $i->image_url;?>', <?php echo $i->width;?>, <?php echo $i->height;?>);" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $i->image_url;?>"><?php echo $i->name.'.'.$i->type;?></a></b>
<br />
<div class="infolabel">Direct link:</div>
<div class="infotext"><input onFocus="this.select();" class="urlinput" type="text" value="<?php echo $i->image_url;?>" /></div>
<div class="infolabel">HTML &lt;img&gt;</div>
<div class="infotext"><input onFocus="this.select();" class="urlinput" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities&#40;'<img src="'.$i->image_url.'" alt="image hosting by '.$ace->config->siteurl.'" />'&#41;;?>" /></div>
<div class="infolabel">Thumbnail for forums:</div>
<div class="infotext"><input onFocus="this.select();" class="urlinput" type="text" value="[URL=<?php echo $i->image_url;?>][IMG]<?php echo $i->thumb_url;?>[/IMG][/URL]" /></a></div>
<br />
<div class="infolabel">Uploaded on the <?php echo date&#40;'jS F Y', strtotime&#40;$i->uploaded&#41;&#41;;?></div>
<?php if&#40; $i->gallery_id != 0 &#41;&#123;?>
<b>In Gallery: <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'&#93;.'?g='.$i->gallery_id;?>"><?php echo $i->gallery_name;?></a></b>
[<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $ace->config->siteurl.'gallery.php?g='.$i->gallery_name.'&u='.$user->username;?>">View</a>]
<?php &#125; ?>
$tr $tr;

<td class="imagetitle">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.writeln('<input type="checkbox" onClick="check(this.form, this.checked);" />');
<td class="imagetitle" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
#40; $page > 1 &#41;&#123;

<div style="float: left;">
<a style="text-decoration: none;"  href="<?php echo str_replace&#40;'&#123;page&#125;', &#40;$page-1&#41;, $purl&#41;;?>">&lt; Previous</a>
if&#40; $page < $totalpages &#41;&#123;

<div style="float: right;">
<a style="text-decoration: none;" href="<?php echo str_replace&#40;'&#123;page&#125;',&#40;$page+1&#41;, $purl&#41;;?>">Next &gt;</a>

<br />
Images <?php echo $first+1;?> to <?php echo $last;?> of <?php echo $user->images;?><?php if&#40; $gallery &#41; echo ' in gallery "'.$gallery->gallery_name.'"';?>.
Page <?php echo $page;?>
of <?php echo $totalpages;?>
<?php if&#40; $user->email_friends > 0 &#41;&#123; ?>
<td colspan="3" class="imagetitle"><a name="email"></a>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="imagetitle">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="imagetitle" colspan="2">
<b>Email The Selected Images To Your Friends!</b>
<tr class="tr1">
<td class="tdcheck">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdinfo" style="text-align: right;">Friend's Email:</td>
<td class="tdinfo">
#40; $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++&#41;&#123;

<input type="text" name="to[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars&#40;$emails[$i&#93;&#41;;?>" class="urlinput" /><br />

<br />
<?php if&#40; $user->email_friends > 1 &#41;&#123; ?>
Enter the email address of each friend you want to send these images to in one of the boxes above.
You can send the images to up to <?php echo $user->email_friends;?> email addresses at once.
<?php &#125;else&#123; ?>
Enter the email address of the friend you want to send these images to.
<?php &#125; ?>
<br />We respect your privacy. We do not store the email addresses submitted via this form.
<tr class="tr1">
<td class="tdcheck">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdthumb" style="text-align: right;">Short Message<br />(max 255 characters)</td>
<td class="tdinfo"><textarea name="message" class="urlinput" style="height: 60px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars&#40;$msg&#41;;?></textarea></td>
<tr class="tr1">
<td class="tdcheck">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdthumb">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdinfo"><input type="submit" name="send" value="Email The Selected Images" /></td>

if&#40; count&#40;$user->galleries&#41; > 0 &#41;&#123;

<td class="imagetitle" colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="imagetitle" colspan="3">Add The Selected Images To One Of Your Galleries</td>
<tr class="tr1">
<td class="tdcheck">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdthumb">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdinfo">
<select name="gallery_id">
<option value="0">No Gallery</option>
#40; $user->galleries as $id=>$g &#41;&#123;
echo "<option value=\"$id\">&#123;$g->gallery_name&#125;</option>\n";

[<a href="galleries.php">Manage Galleries</a>]<br />
<input type="submit" name="addtogallery" value="Add Selected Images To This Gallery" onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to add the selected images to the selected gallery?');" />

<td class="imagetitle" colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="imagetitle" colspan="3">Remove The Selected Images From Your Account</td>
<tr class="tr1">
<td class="tdcheck">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdthumb">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdinfo">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete The Selected Images" onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the selected images?');" />


// if the user hasn't uploaded any images ,display a message telling them this.

$pagecontent->display&#40;'No Images'&#41;;


// include the site footer.



Consegues achar o que origina este erro ? Ou é devido ao hosting e a versão do mySQL ?

Desculpa se for muita a massada...  :(

Mensagens 19733 Gostos 50
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Qual e a versao do php/mysql?

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Acho que a ajuda do morpheus dá conta do recado, ou não?

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Este erro ta a lixar tudo...

Até ja tinha modificado o script para ser possivel ter tumbnails para foruns como no imageshack, E por acaso consegui por a funcionar... [ Visto não ser um expert em coding... !  :lol: ]

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Super Combination Combination Topic Starter Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 1000 Posts

ele tá-se a queixar do -10.10

experimenta com 0,10