Rocket Bot Royale

Rocket Bot Royaleis a fast-paced, action-packed multiplayer battle royale game where players control customizable tank-like robots and engage in intense battles on a shrinking island. The goal is simple: be the last bot standing.

Gameplay Overview:

Choose Your Tank: Select from a variety of tanks, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Customize Your Loadout: Equip your tank with a variety of weapons, upgrades, and cosmetic items to suit your playstyle.

Drop into the Battle: Parachute onto the shrinking island and engage in intense battles against other players.

Collect Loot: Scavenge the island for power-ups, weapons, and upgrades to enhance your tank's capabilities.

Destroy the Terrain: Use your weapons to destroy the terrain, creating new pathways and tactical advantages.

Survive the Rising Waters: Avoid the rising water levels or you'll be eliminated.

Be the Last Bot Standing: Eliminate all opponents to become the Blast One Standing and claim victory.

472 Visualizações21/11/2023