Tradução de mods [Blog community 2.0.2]

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Pessoal estamos a trabalhar incansavelmente para ter tudo pronto a tempo da nova versão! Venho aqui pedir ajuda de quem quiser contribuir nas traduções de mods para português, é um trabalho simples, mas que leva algum tempo, se todos contribuirmos não custa nada!

A ideia é o pessoal ir traduzindo e ir colocando o que traduziu! Eu já traduzi algumas linhas, mas tenho outras prioridades para fazer agora, toda a ajuda é bem vinda!

Tenham em conta que apenas será necessário as opções de frontend

Mod blogs

Código: [Seleccione]
$txt['b2'] = 'You';
$txt['b3'] = 'have';
$txt['b4'] = 'has';
$txt['b5'] = 'user';
$txt['b6'] = 'This';
$txt['b6a'] = 'this';
$txt['b7'] = 'for';

$txt['b8'] = 'Default';
$txt['b9'] = 'Right';
$txt['b10'] = 'Left';
$txt['b11'] = 'Disabled';
$txt['b12'] = 'Button';
$txt['b12a'] = 'Buttons';
$txt['b13'] = 'Show';
$txt['b14'] = 'Hide';
$txt['b15'] = 'Comment';
$txt['b15a'] = 'Comments';
$txt['b16'] = 'Category';
$txt['b16a'] = 'Categories';

$txt['b17'] = 'Edit';
$txt['b18'] = 'Add';
$txt['b19'] = 'Move';

$txt['b20'] = 'Convert';
$txt['b21'] = 'Revert';

$txt['b22'] = 'Archive';
$txt['b23'] = 'Change';
$txt['b24'] = 'unassigned';
$txt['b25'] = 'Public';
$txt['b26'] = 'Tag';
$txt['b26a'] = 'Tags';
$txt['b27'] = 'Content';
$txt['b28'] = 'Main';

$txt['b29'] = 'Number of Comments';
$txt['b30'] = 'Date Written';
$txt['b31'] = 'Read More';
$txt['b32'] = 'Success';
$txt['b33'] = 'Extras';

$txt['b34'] = 'Join My Community at MyBloglog!';
$txt['b35'] = 'My Blog on BlogCatalog';
$txt['b36'] = 'My BlogCatalog BlogRank';
$txt['b37'] = 'and';
$txt['b38'] = 'Verified';
$txt['b39'] = 'Not Verified';

$txt['b40'] = 'Written by';
$txt['b41'] = 'View user profile';
$txt['b42'] = 'Clique aqui para criar o seu blog';
$txt['b43'] = 'options';

$txt['b44'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?';
$txt['b45'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?';
$txt['b46'] = 'Edit comment';
$txt['b47'] = 'Edit article';
$txt['b48'] = 'Delete comment';
$txt['b49'] = 'Delete article';
$txt['b50'] = 'Split article';

$txt['b51'] = 'Blog Community';
$txt['b52'] = 'Free Community Blogging Software';

$txt['b53'] = 'You have no blogs';
$txt['b54'] = 'This user has no blogs';

$txt['b55'] = 'Lock article';
$txt['b56'] = 'Unlock article';
$txt['b57'] = 'Move article';
$txt['b58'] = 'Send article';
$txt['b59'] = 'Print article';

$txt['b60'] = 'Previous article';
$txt['b61'] = 'Next article';
$txt['b62'] = 'Go to top of page';
$txt['b63'] = 'Index';
$txt['b64'] = 'share';
$txt['b65'] = 'Views';

$txt['b66'] = 'Article';
$txt['b66a'] = 'Articles';

$txt['b67'] = 'Confirm';
$txt['b68'] = 'this blog';
$txt['b69'] = 'these blogs';
$txt['b70'] = 'Delete checked';
$txt['b71'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected ';
$txt['b72'] = 'links';
$txt['b73'] = 'categories';
$txt['b74'] = 'windows';

$txt['b75'] = 'response to';
$txt['b76'] = 'New Article';
$txt['b77'] = 'tags';
$txt['b78'] = 'used in';

$txt['b79'] = 'What are tags?';
$txt['help_blogTags'] = '<div style="font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;">'. $txt['b79'] .'</div><br />Tags are used to help categorize articles in your blogs.  Each blog has its own unique tags.  New tags are made whenever you input tags that have not been used before in the Tags field when posting or modifying an article.';


Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
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100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes


Código: [Seleccione]

$txt['b80'] = 'More information';
$txt['help_groupsATB'] = '<div style="font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;">What does "allowed to blog" mean?</div><br />Users who are in the "Users Allowed to Blog" list or in a member group that you allow to blog will be able to post new articles and modify existing articles in this blog (provided they have the necessary permissions to do so).';

$txt['b81'] = 'Show all';
$txt['b82'] = 'Center';
$txt['b83'] = 'Home';
$txt['b84'] = 'Don\'t show';
$txt['b85'] = 'users';

//   \/  *new* for 2.0.2  \/
$txt['b86'] = 'Enabled';
$txt['b87'] = 'New Poll';
$txt['captcha'] = 'CAPTCHA Verification';
$txt['disable_guest_captcha'] = 'Disable guest CAPTCHA entirely';
$txt['captcha_blog_only'] = 'Use guest CAPTCHA for blogs only';
$txt['blog_plugins'] = 'Plug-ins';
$txt['no_plugins'] = 'No plug-ins currently installed';

$txt['hide_portal_blocks'] = 'Hide portal blocks on all blog pages';
$txt['enableGlobalTagsWindow'] = 'Enable global Tags window';
$txt['enableGlobalMostRecentWindow'] = 'Enable global Most Recent window';

$txt['enableMostCommentedWindow'] = 'Enable "Most Commented" window';
$txt['enableRecentCommentsWindow'] = 'Enable "Recent Comments" window';
$txt['socialbookmarks_multicheck_instructions'] = 'Select the bookmarking options to show';
$txt['social_bookmarks'] = 'Social Bookmarking Options';

$txt['mostCommentedWindowOrder'] = 'Most Commented Window';
$txt['recentCommentsWindowOrder'] = 'Recent Comments Window';
$txt['most_commented'] = 'Most Commented';
$txt['recent_comments'] = 'Recent Comments';
$txt['limit_most_commented'] = 'Maximum number of articles to show in "Most Commented" window';
$txt['limit_recent_comments'] = 'Maximum number of comments to show in "Recent Comments" window';
$txt['enablePollsWindow'] = 'Enable Polls window';
$txt['limit_num_polls'] = 'Maximum number of polls to show in Polls window';
$txt['hide_poll_articles'] = 'Hide articles when they contain a poll';
$txt['pollsWindowOrder'] = 'Polls Window';

$txt['notification_enable_blog'] = 'Are you sure you wish to enable notification of new articles for this blog?';
$txt['notification_disable_blog'] = 'Are you sure you wish to disable notification of new articles for this blog?';
$txt['notification_enable_article'] = 'Are you sure you wish to enable notification of new comments for this article?';
$txt['notification_disable_article'] = 'Are you sure you wish to disable notification of new comments for this article?';
//   /\  *new* for 2.0.2  /\

$txt['use_maintenance_after'] = 'Be sure to <a href="'. $scripturl .'?action=boardrecount">Recount all forum totals and statistics</a> after changing this setting';

$txt['show_go_to_top'] = 'Show go to top link at bottom of blog pages';
$txt['show_prev_next'] = 'Show previous and next article links';

$txt['toggle_all_layerless'] = 'Toggle all blog pages to display without forum layers';
$txt['subtext_all_layerless'] = 'includes blog index and all blogs';

$txt['blog_index_side_bar'] = 'Blog index side bar';

$txt['default_meta_keywords'] = 'Default meta keywords for all blogs';
$txt['subtext_default_meta'] = 'these are used if no keywords are specified by a blog owner';

$txt['maxIndexArticleList'] = 'Maximum number of articles per page in article lists';

$txt['blog_page_width'] = 'Width of blog page';
$txt['blog_page_alignment'] = 'Alignment of blog page';
$txt['blog_index_alignment'] = 'Alignment of blog index';
$txt['blog_index_width'] = 'Width of blog index';
$txt['subtext_blog_index_width'] = 'examples: 65%, 600';

$txt['meta_keywords'] = 'Meta keywords';
$txt['helptext_meta_keywords'] = 'What you put in the meta keywords field is what will appear in the meta keyword tag on every page of this blog.  There are a couple simple rules you should follow when figuring out what keywords you should use:<br /><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li>Order matters!  Keywords at the start will be given more weight by search engines.</li><li>Do not repeat the same words more than a few times, even if you are using them in different phrases.</li><li>You don\'t have to separate keywords with commas, but it doesn\'t hurt you if you do.  Search engines interpret commas as spaces.</li></ul>';

$txt['rss_2_feed'] = 'RSS 2.0 Feed';

$txt['retry_verification'] = 'Retry Verification';

$txt['enableMBLStatTracking'] = 'Enable MyBlogLog Stat Tracking';
$txt['myBlogLogSiteID'] = 'MyBlogLog Community ID Number';
$txt['myBlogLogButton'] = 'MyBlogLog Button';
$txt['blogCatalogURL'] = 'BlogCatalog URL';
$txt['blogCatalogID'] = 'BlogCatalog ID Number';
$txt['blogCatalogButton'] = 'BlogCatalog Button';

$txt['show_socialbookmarks_topics'] = 'Show "share" on articles';
$txt['eg_digg_stumble'] = '"Digg it", "Stumble it", etc';
$txt['digg_it'] = 'Digg it';
$txt['add_to_delicious'] = 'Add to Del.icio.us';
$txt['stumble_it'] = 'Stumble it';
$txt['add_to_technorati'] = 'Add to Technorati';
$txt['furl'] = 'Furl it';

$txt['postingRestrictions'] = 'Posting Restrictions';
$txt['confirm_remove_blogger'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this member from the Users Allowed to Blog list?';
$txt['no_usersAllowedToBlog'] = 'There are no individual members specified as bloggers for this blog';
$txt['usersAllowedToBlog'] = 'Users Allowed to Blog';
$txt['add_usersAllowedToBlog'] = 'Add to "Users Allowed to Blog" List';
$txt['add_blogger'] = 'Add Blogger';

$txt['show_tags'] = 'Show article tags';
$txt['not_effect_tagWin'] = 'does not affect tag window';
$txt['show_categories'] = 'Show article categories';
$txt['not_effect_catWin'] = 'does not affect category window';

$txt['allowBlogCatalog'] = 'Allow <a href="http://www.blogcatalog.com" rel="nofollow">BlogCatalog</a> Extras';
$txt['allowMyBlogLog'] = 'Allow <a href="http://www.mybloglog.com" rel="nofollow">MyBlogLog</a> Extras';

$txt['hideBlogPostsFromForumRecentPosts'] = 'Hide all articles and comments from your forum\'s <b>recent posts</b>';

$txt['comment_awaiting_approval'] = 'This comment is awaiting approval by a moderator';
$txt['click_to_approve'] = 'Click here to approve this comment';


Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
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Troféus totais: 42
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100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes


Código: [Seleccione]
$txt['show_last_edit_topics'] = 'Show "Last Edit" on articles';
$txt['show_last_edit_comments'] = 'Show "Last Edit" on comments';
$txt['excludeBlogsForumTotals'] = 'Don\'t count articles and comments in forum topic/post totals';

$txt['social_bookmarking'] = 'Social Bookmarking';

$txt['required_b'] = '<b>required</b>';

$txt['comments_require_approval'] = 'Comments require approval';
$txt['hide_comments'] = 'Hide comments entirely';

$txt['blogMode'] = 'Blog Mode';
$txt['blogMode0'] = 'Disable Blog';
$txt['blogMode1'] = 'Single Blog Mode';
$txt['blogMode2'] = 'Single Blog (hidden) Mode';
$txt['blogMode3'] = 'Blogging Community Mode';

$txt['blogDisabled'] = 'Blog is currently disabled.';
$txt['useToEnable'] = 'Use the <a href="'. $scripturl .'?action=blogControlPanel" rel="nofollow">Blog Control Panel</a> to enable it.';
$txt['no_blog_to_view'] = 'There is no blog to view.';
$txt['how_to_create_blog'] = 'Use your <a href="'. $scripturl .'?action=blogControlPanel" rel="nofollow">Blog Control Panel</a> to create a blog.';

$txt['hideBlog'] = 'Hide blog';
$txt['category_for_blogs'] = 'Forum category in which to put new blog boards';
$txt['hideBlogBoards'] = 'Hide blog boards on the board index';

$txt['max_num_blogs'] = 'Maximum number of blogs allowed for non-admins';
$txt['subtext_max_num_blogs'] = '<b>0 for no limit</b> (not recommended)';

$txt['no_topics_in_cat'] = 'There are no articles in this category.';
$txt['no_articles_with_tag'] = 'There are no articles associated with that tag.';
$txt['no_such_category'] = 'There is no such category.';
$txt['no_such_tag'] = 'There is no such tag.';
$txt['no_topics_in_month'] = 'There are no articles for this month.';
$txt['not_valid_date'] = 'That is not a valid month/year combination.';
$txt['most_recent'] = 'Most Recent';
$txt['blogCategories'] = 'Blog Categories';
$txt['add_blogCategories'] = 'Add Blog Category';
$txt['edit_blogCategories'] = 'Edit Blog Category';
$txt['blog_err_noname'] = 'You must enter a name';
$txt['blog_deleteCategory'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this Blog Category?';
$txt['blog_Maintenance'] = 'Blog Maintenance';
$txt['refresh_dates'] = 'Refresh the month and year fields in all articles in your blog board.';
$txt['refresh_catTotals'] = 'Refresh the blog category totals.';
$txt['maintain_done'] = 'Maintenance Completed.';
$txt['no_blogCategories'] = 'There are no categories in this blog';
$txt['no_blogTags'] = 'There are no tags in this blog';
$txt['blog_no_posts'] = 'There are no articles to display in this blog.';
$txt['friends_of'] = 'Friends of';
$txt['whoViewingBlog'] = 'Who\'s Viewing';
$txt['useAvatarsForWhoViewing'] = 'Use avatars in Who Viewing window';

$txt['are_you_sure_init'] = 'Tem a certeza que pretende criar um blog?';

$txt['here_init_link'] = '<a href="'. $scripturl .'?action=blogControlPanel;sa=initBlog;u='. (!empty($context['blog']['controlPanelOwner']['id']) ? $context['blog']['controlPanelOwner']['id'] : '') .';sesc='. $context['session_id'] .'" rel="nofollow" onclick="return confirm(\''. $txt['are_you_sure_init'] .'\');">here</a>';

$txt['admin_initialize_a_blog'] = 'Click '. $txt['here_init_link'] .' to create a blog' . (isset($context['is_controlPanelOwner']) ? (!$context['is_controlPanelOwner'] ? ' ' . $txt['b7'] . ' ' . $txt['b6a'] . ' ' . $txt['b5'] : '') : '') . '.';
$txt['admin_initialize_another_blog'] = 'Click '. $txt['here_init_link'] .' to create another blog' . (isset($context['is_controlPanelOwner']) ? (!$context['is_controlPanelOwner'] ? ' ' . $txt['b7'] . ' ' . $txt['b6a'] . ' ' . $txt['b5'] : '') : '') . '.';
$txt['admin_have_not_initialized_blog'] = 'Ainda n&atilde;o criou o seu blog.  Clique '. $txt['here_init_link'] .' para criar um.';
$txt['maximum_num_of_blogs_achieved'] = 'Possui o maximo de blogs permitidos.';

$txt['manageBlogs'] = 'Gerir Blogs';
$txt['admin_only_blog_options'] = 'Admin-Only Blog Options';
$txt['blog_use_to_convert'] = 'Use the form below to convert existing non-blog boards to blogs<br /><span class="smalltext"><b>warning:</b> this may take a while if the board has a lot of topics</span>';
$txt['blog_use_to_revert'] = 'Use the form below to revert blogs back to regular boards';
$txt['confirm_blog_revert'] = 'Are you sure you want to revert this blog to a regular board?';
$txt['confirm_blog_convert'] = 'Are you sure you want to convert this board to a blog?';
$txt['blogName'] = 'Blog Name';
$txt['blogBoard'] = 'Default Blog Board';
$txt['display_comments_blog'] = 'Display comments to articles on the main blog page';
$txt['max_comments_per_topic'] = 'Maximum number of comments to display per article';
$txt['max_topics_on_blog'] = 'Maximum number of articles to display on the main blog page';
$txt['max_length_topics'] = 'Maximum length of articles on the main blog page';
$txt['max_length_comments'] = 'Maximum length of comments on the main blog page';
$txt['blog_index_without_layers'] = 'Don\'t show forum template layers on blog index page';

$txt['zero_for_no_limit'] = '<b>0 for no limit</b>';

$txt['enableWhoViewingWindow'] = 'Enable "Who Viewing" window';
$txt['enableArchives'] = 'Enable "Archive window';
$txt['enableRecentEntries'] = 'Enable "Most Recent" window';
$txt['num_recent_entries'] = 'Maximum number of recent entries to show';
$txt['enableCategoryList'] = 'Enable "Categories" window';
$helptxt['enable_multiple_blogs'] = 'When you enable Blog in multiple blogs mode, every user with the write_blog permission can make their own blog.  They can initialize their blog and manage their blog settings via their profile.';
$helptxt['enable_hidden_blog'] = 'When your blog is in hidden mode, only administrators can see it.';
$txt['blogDescription'] = 'Blog Description';
$txt['enableLinksWindow'] = 'Enable "Links" window';
$txt['enableFriendsOfWindow'] = 'Enable "Friends Of" window';
$txt['add_blogLinks'] = 'Add Link';
$txt['edit_blogLinks'] = 'Edit Link';
$txt['no_blogLinks'] = 'There are no links in this blog';
$txt['blog_deleteLink'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this link?';
$txt['blog_linkName'] = 'Link Name';
$txt['blog_title'] = 'Title of Link<br / ><span class="smalltext"><b>appears on mouse over</b></span>';
$txt['blog_url'] = 'URL of Link';
$txt['blog_reg_members'] = 'Regular Members';
$txt['blog_select_allowedGroups'] = 'Select which member groups are allowed to view your blog';
$txt['blog_not_allowed'] = 'You are not allowed to view this blog';
$txt['blog_welcome_control_panel'] = 'Bem vindo ao painel de controlo de blogs. A partir deste espa&ccedil;o pode configurar as defini&ccedil;&otilde;es , links, categorias, e mais para o seu blog(s). Durante a configura&ccedil;&atilde;o vai encontrar <img src="'. $settings['default_theme_url'] .'/images/icons/QuestionIcon.gif" height="12" width="12" alt="(<b>?</b>)" /> que vai mostrar uma janela pop-up com informa&ccedil;&atilde;o &uacute;til relacionada com o que estiver por perto. Se tiver problemas pode pedir ajuda nos nossos foruns de suporte <a href="http://www.maisfotografia.com/index.php?action=forum" title="Mais fotografia forum">+fotografia - Forum</a>.';

$txt['justifySideWindows'] = 'Justify side windows';
$txt['your_blogs'] = 'Your Blogs';
$txt['blog_confirmDeleteBlog'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this blog?';

$txt['hide_side_windows'] = 'Hide side windows completely';

$txt['blog_are_you_sure'] = 'Are you sure?';
$txt['back_to_user_profile'] = 'Back to Profile Summary';
$txt['blog_not_allowed_plus_link'] = 'You are not allowed to view this blog.  <a href="'. $scripturl .'" rel="nofollow">Back to Forum</a>.';
$txt['pseudoIndependent'] = 'Don\'t show forum template layers';
$txt['sub_pseudoInd'] = 'site\'s header and footer are not shown';

$txt['blogTheme'] = 'Blog Theme';
$txt['subtext_blogTheme'] = '"Don\'t show forum template layers" must be checked for the following settings to matter';
$txt['subtext_blog_index_nolayers'] = '"Don\'t show forum template layers on blog index" must be checked for the following settings to matter';

$txt['sortBlogIndexByViews'] = 'Order blogs in blog index by number of views';
$txt['showAvatarsOnBlogIndex'] = 'Show avatars on blog index';

$txt['showRSSFeedsOnBlogIndex'] = 'Show links to RSS feeds on blog index';
$txt['subtext_showRSSFeedsOnBlogIndex'] = '<b>must have <a href="'. $scripturl .'?action=news;sa=settings" rel="nofollow">XML/RSS news</a> enabled</b>';

$txt['recentWindowOrder'] = 'Most Recent Window';
$txt['categoriesWindowOrder'] = 'Categories Window';
$txt['archivesWindowOrder'] = 'Archives Window';
$txt['linksWindowOrder'] = 'Links Window';
$txt['friendsWindowOrder'] = 'Friends Window';
$txt['statsWindowOrder'] = 'Stats Window';
$txt['tagsWindowOrder'] = 'Tags Window';
$txt['whoViewingWindowOrder'] = 'Who Viewing Window';
$txt['sideWindowOrders'] = 'Order of Side Windows';
$txt['topics_and_comments'] = 'Articles and Comments';
$txt['side_windows'] = 'Side Windows';
$txt['access_restrictions'] = 'Access Restrictions';
$txt['default_settings_for_new_blogs'] = 'Default Settings for New Blogs';
$txt['default_selectAllowedGroups'] = 'New blogs will be visible to the following member groups by default';

$txt['blog_stats'] = 'Blog Statistics';
$txt['enableStatsWindow'] = 'Enable Blog Statistics window';
$txt['enableTagsWindow'] = 'Enable Tags window';
$txt['no_blog_with_id'] = 'There is no blog with that ID';
$txt['enableCustomWin'] = 'Enable Custom Window';
$txt['customWin'] = 'Custom Window';
$txt['customWindows'] = 'Custom Windows';
$txt['customizeWindows'] = 'Customize Windows';
$txt['addCustomWindow'] = 'Add Custom Window';
$txt['add_customWindows'] = 'Add Custom Window';
$txt['edit_customWindows'] = 'Edit Custom Window';
$txt['contentCustomWindow'] = 'Content<br /><span class="smalltext"><b>supports bbc code</b></span>';
$txt['no_customWindows'] = 'This blog has no custom windows';
$txt['confirm_del_customWin'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this window?';

$txt['categoryName'] = 'Category Name';

$txt['maxIndexOnBlogIndex'] = 'Maximum number of blogs per page on the blog index';
$txt['maxIndexCommentList'] = 'Maximum number of comments per page on article pages';
$txt['sub_maxIndCommentList'] = 'not the main blog pages';

// this is from Help.english.php (need it for the Help popup sub-template)
$txt[1006] = 'Close window';

// all error messages
$txt['error_no_linkName'] = 'Link Name cannot be blank.';
$txt['error_no_url'] = 'URL of Link cannot be blank.';
$txt['error_no_title'] = 'Title cannot be blank';
$txt['error_no_content'] = 'Content cannot be blank';
$txt['error_no_blogName'] = 'Blog name cannot be blank.';
$txt['error_no_categoryName'] = 'Category name cannot be blank.';
$txt['error_no_blogger'] = 'Add Blogger cannot be blank.';
$txt['error_no_such_member'] = 'No member with that name exists.';
$txt['error_no_such_window'] = 'No window with that ID exists.';
$txt['error_member_already_on_list'] = 'That member is already on the "Users Allowed to Blog" list.';

$txt['errors_while_blogLinks'] = 'The following error(s) occurred while editing this blog\'s links:';
$txt['errors_while_postingRestrictions'] = 'The following error(s) occurred while editing this blog\'s posting restrictions:';
$txt['errors_while_customWindows'] = 'The following error(s) occurred while editing this blog\'s custom windows:';
$txt['errors_while_blogSettings'] = 'The following error(s) occurred while saving this blog\'s settings:';
$txt['errors_while_blogCategories'] = 'The following error(s) occurred while editing this blog\'s categories:';

$txt['error_init_failure'] = '<b>Error!</b><br />An error occurred while initializing your blog.  Please try again.  If the problem persists, contact the site\'s administrator.';

$txt['guest_search_err'] = 'Guests must input a visual verification code to use the search feature.';

$txt['b99'] = 'Only admins are allowed to access this section.';
$txt['could_not_load_blog'] = 'Could not load blog information.';
$txt['not_a_blog_board'] = 'That is not a blog board.';
$txt['b101'] = 'Ahem... What are you trying to do?';
$txt['b222'] = 'That was weird...';

$txt['groupsAllowedToBlog'] = 'Groups Allowed to Blog';

// Help text strings (these are for the helpful pop up windows in the blog control panel)
/*$txt['enable_cascading_comments'] = 'Enable cascading comments';
$txt['help_cascading_comments'] = 'When cascading comments is enabled, users can comment on other comments.  Comments to other comments appear after that comment (in chronological order).  This means that all the comments in an article will not necessarily be in chronological order from top to bottom.  When cascading comments is disabled, comments will appear in normal order and the option to comment on another comment will no longer be available.';*/

$txt['help_blogMode'] = '<b>Single Blog Mode</b><br />Through the Blog link in your forum\'s navigation menu, users can view your blog.  Use the Blog Control Panel in your Administrator area to manage this blog (Admin > Configuration > Blog Control Panel).<br /><br /><b>Single Blog (Hidden) Mode</b><br />Same as regular Single Blog mode, except your blog is only visible to administrators.<br /><br /><b>Blogging Community Mode</b><br />All users with the write_blog permission can access their Blog Control Panel.  Don\'t forget to look at the various blog permissions available.  You can set these permissions at Admin > Members > Permissions.';

$txt['help_blogBoard'] = 'This is the blog that will be displayed on the blog page.<br />Applies to <b>standard/hidden modes only</b>.';

$txt['help_comments_approval'] = 'When "Comments require approval" is checked, all comments made to articles in your blog will have to be approved by an administrator or moderator before they become visible to ordinary readers.  You are automatically considered a moderator on your blogs (you can approve comments).  To approve a comment, simply click the "Click here to approve comment" link (located somewhere on the comment).';


Mensagens 19734 Gostos 50
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Troféus totais: 39
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Mobile User Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 100 Poll Votes 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter

Vieste num mau dia.. phpbb3 e prestashop para traduzir pela noite dentro mas se tiver tempo..

Mensagens 4125 Gostos 3
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Troféus totais: 28
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Apple User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

Vou ver o que posso fazer ;)

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Apple User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2

Código: [Seleccione]

$txt['b2'] = 'Tu';
$txt['b3'] = 'ter';
$txt['b4'] = 'tens';
$txt['b5'] = 'Utilizador';
$txt['b6'] = 'Este';
$txt['b6a'] = 'este';
$txt['b7'] = 'para';

$txt['b8'] = 'Pré-definido';
$txt['b9'] = 'Direita';
$txt['b10'] = 'Esquerda';
$txt['b11'] = 'Inactivo';
$txt['b12'] = 'Button';
$txt['b12a'] = 'Buttons';
$txt['b13'] = 'Mostrar';
$txt['b14'] = 'Ocultar';
$txt['b15'] = 'Comentário';
$txt['b15a'] = 'Comentários';
$txt['b16'] = 'Categoria';
$txt['b16a'] = 'Categorias';

$txt['b17'] = 'Editar';
$txt['b18'] = 'Adicionar';
$txt['b19'] = 'Mover';

$txt['b20'] = 'Converter';
$txt['b21'] = 'Reverter';

$txt['b22'] = 'Arquivar';
$txt['b23'] = 'Mudar';
$txt['b24'] = 'não está assinado';
$txt['b25'] = 'Publico';
$txt['b26'] = 'Tag';
$txt['b26a'] = 'Tags';
$txt['b27'] = 'Conteúdo';
$txt['b28'] = 'Principal';

$txt['b29'] = 'Número de comentários';
$txt['b30'] = 'Date Written';
$txt['b31'] = 'Ler mais';
$txt['b32'] = 'Sucesso';
$txt['b33'] = 'Extras';

$txt['b34'] = 'Join My Community at MyBloglog!';
$txt['b35'] = 'My Blog on BlogCatalog';
$txt['b36'] = 'My BlogCatalog BlogRank';
$txt['b37'] = 'and';
$txt['b38'] = 'Verified';
$txt['b39'] = 'Not Verified';

$txt['b40'] = 'Written by';
$txt['b41'] = 'View user profile';
$txt['b42'] = 'Clique aqui para criar o seu blog';
$txt['b43'] = 'options';

$txt['b44'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?';
$txt['b45'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?';
$txt['b46'] = 'Edit comment';
$txt['b47'] = 'Edit article';
$txt['b48'] = 'Delete comment';
$txt['b49'] = 'Delete article';
$txt['b50'] = 'Split article';

$txt['b51'] = 'Blog Community';
$txt['b52'] = 'Free Community Blogging Software';

$txt['b53'] = 'You have no blogs';
$txt['b54'] = 'This user has no blogs';

$txt['b55'] = 'Lock article';
$txt['b56'] = 'Unlock article';
$txt['b57'] = 'Move article';
$txt['b58'] = 'Send article';
$txt['b59'] = 'Print article';

$txt['b60'] = 'Previous article';
$txt['b61'] = 'Next article';
$txt['b62'] = 'Go to top of page';
$txt['b63'] = 'Index';
$txt['b64'] = 'share';
$txt['b65'] = 'Views';

$txt['b66'] = 'Article';
$txt['b66a'] = 'Articles';

$txt['b67'] = 'Confirm';
$txt['b68'] = 'this blog';
$txt['b69'] = 'these blogs';
$txt['b70'] = 'Delete checked';
$txt['b71'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected ';
$txt['b72'] = 'links';
$txt['b73'] = 'categories';
$txt['b74'] = 'windows';

$txt['b75'] = 'response to';
$txt['b76'] = 'New Article';
$txt['b77'] = 'tags';
$txt['b78'] = 'used in';

$txt['b79'] = 'What are tags?';
$txt['help_blogTags'] = '<div style="font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;">'. $txt['b79'] .'</div><br />Tags are used to help categorize articles in your blogs.  Each blog has its own unique tags.  New tags are made whenever you input tags that have not been used before in the Tags field when posting or modifying an article.';

Traduzi algumas coisas

Mensagens 7780 Gostos 216
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Troféus totais: 42
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes

Thomato isso tem de estar em utf-8

Mensagens 412 Gostos 0
Troféus totais: 24
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 100 Posts

$txt['b2'] = 'Tu';
$txt['b3'] = 'Ter';
$txt['b4'] = 'tem';
$txt['b5'] = 'user';
$txt['b6'] = 'Este';
$txt['b6a'] = 'este';
$txt['b7'] = 'para';

$txt['b8'] = 'Pré-definido';
$txt['b9'] = 'Direita';
$txt['b10'] = 'Esquerda';
$txt['b11'] = 'Desabilitar';
$txt['b12'] = 'Botão';
$txt['b12a'] = 'Botões';
$txt['b13'] = 'Mostrar';
$txt['b14'] = 'Esconder';
$txt['b15'] = 'Comentar';
$txt['b15a'] = 'Comentários';
$txt['b16'] = 'Categoria';
$txt['b16a'] = 'Categorias';

$txt['b17'] = 'Editar';
$txt['b18'] = 'Adicionar';
$txt['b19'] = 'Mover';

$txt['b20'] = 'Converter';
$txt['b21'] = 'Reverter';

$txt['b22'] = 'Arquivo';
$txt['b23'] = 'Mudar';
$txt['b24'] = 'não atribuído';
$txt['b25'] = 'Publico';
$txt['b26'] = 'Tag';
$txt['b26a'] = 'Tags';
$txt['b27'] = 'Conteúdo';
$txt['b28'] = 'Principal';

$txt['b29'] = 'Numéro de Comentários';
$txt['b30'] = 'Data de escrita';
$txt['b31'] = 'Ler mais';
$txt['b32'] = 'Sucesso';
$txt['b33'] = 'Extras';

$txt['b34'] = 'Junta-te á minha comunidade no MyBloglog!';
$txt['b35'] = 'Meu Blog no BlogCatalog';
$txt['b36'] = 'Meu BlogCatalog BlogRank';
$txt['b37'] = 'e';
$txt['b38'] = 'verificado';
$txt['b39'] = 'Não verificado';

$txt['b40'] = 'escrito por';
$txt['b41'] = 'Ver perfil do user';
$txt['b42'] = 'Clique aqui para criar o seu blog';
$txt['b43'] = 'opções';

$txt['b44'] = 'Tem a certeza que pretende eliminar este comentário?';
$txt['b45'] = 'Tem a certeza que pretende eleminar este artigo?';
$txt['b46'] = 'Editar comentário';
$txt['b47'] = 'Editar artigo';
$txt['b48'] = 'Eliminar comentário';
$txt['b49'] = 'Eliminar artigo';
$txt['b50'] = 'Dividir artigo';

$txt['b51'] = 'Blog Community';
$txt['b52'] = 'Free Community Blogging Software';

$txt['b53'] = 'Tu não tens blogs';
$txt['b54'] = 'Este user não tem blogs';

$txt['b55'] = 'Bloquear artigo';
$txt['b56'] = 'Desbloquear artigo';
$txt['b57'] = 'Mover artigo';
$txt['b58'] = 'Enviar artigo';
$txt['b59'] = 'Imprimir artigo';

$txt['b60'] = 'Artigo anterior';
$txt['b61'] = 'Próximo artigo';
$txt['b62'] = 'Ir para o topo da página';
$txt['b63'] = 'Índice';
$txt['b64'] = 'partes';
$txt['b65'] = 'Vistas';

$txt['b66'] = 'Artigo';
$txt['b66a'] = 'Artigos';

$txt['b67'] = 'Confirmar';
$txt['b68'] = 'este blog';
$txt['b69'] = 'estes blogs';
$txt['b70'] = 'Eliminar checked';
$txt['b71'] = 'Tem a certeza que deseja excluir os selecionados?';
$txt['b72'] = 'links';
$txt['b73'] = 'Categorias';
$txt['b74'] = 'Janelas';

$txt['b75'] = 'resposta a';
$txt['b76'] = 'Novo artigo';
$txt['b77'] = 'tags';
$txt['b78'] = 'used in';

$txt['b79'] = 'O que são tags?';
$txt['help_blogTags'] = '<div style="font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;">'. $txt['b79'] .'</div><br />Tags are used to help categorize articles in your blogs.  Each blog has its own unique tags.  New tags are made whenever you input tags that have not been used before in the Tags field when posting or modifying an article.';

Falta a tradução do que são tags  :lol:

Mensagens 19734 Gostos 50
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Troféus totais: 39
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Mobile User Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 100 Poll Votes 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter

Tem de ser em UTF8 o que é uma seca ja vou tratar disso.

Carlos Gandra 
Mensagens 3081 Gostos 97
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Troféus totais: 34
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4

Já existe uma nova versão do mod (até mudou de nome e tudo :-P), por isso é melhor analisar primeiro se também há alterações nos ficheiros de linguagem ;)


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100 Poll Votes Level 7 Search Mobile User Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes

Já tinha reparado nisso quando recebi o mail, já é o 3º rewrite que este gajo faz do mod em 3 meses para ai... Já se decidia!

Mensagens 19734 Gostos 50
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Troféus totais: 39
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Mobile User Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 100 Poll Votes 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter

Nesse caso vela os ficheiros para não traduzir em vão..

Carlos Gandra 
Mensagens 3081 Gostos 97
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Level 6 Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter Level 5 Level 4

Eu traduzo o mod (também tenho de o fazer para mim, por isso partilho na boa).

Mensagens 19734 Gostos 50
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Troféus totais: 39
Trófeus: (Ver todos)
Mobile User Windows User Super Combination Combination Topic Starter 100 Poll Votes 50 Poll Votes 10 Poll Votes Poll Voter Poll Starter

ok ac99